Introduction to Pandas


Pandas basically stands for panel data. It is core library for data manipulation and data analysis.

Pandas basically give you single and multidimensional data structure, and you can perform various types of data manipulation operations on these single and multidimensional data structures.

Single dimensional data structure in pandas is known as ‘Series’ object. Series object is one dimensional labeled array, and multidimensional data structure is the ‘DataFrame’.

Pandas is newer package built on top of NumPy, and provides the efficient implementation of ‘DataFrame’.

DataFram are multidimensional arrays with attached row and column labels with heterogeneous type data. It offers convenient storage interface for labeled data. Pandas implements number of powerful data operations to user of both database framework and spreadsheet programs.

Pandas, its Series and DataFrame objects, provide efficient access to these sort of ‘data munging’ tasks that occupy much of data scientist’s time



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